Bespoke lectures
Do you want to give your colleagues a lecture that stays with them, for a long time? Do you want to highlight important strategic decisions but use an external voice? Do you want to
define feelings in relation to reorganisation, new leadership, insecurity or stress? Or maybe you want to inspire employees to be motivated, engaged and take new steps? Maybe your
team works really well together and want to protect this.
Whatever the need, Mary Juusela can tailor a boosting, clarifying and gripping package that will get you to raise the roof together.
The lecture’s content
Mary gives around 70 lectures per year and has broad experience of creating bespoke lectures.
You can choose to combine a lecture with a workshop and/or have a lecture at a special events, such as conferences, seminars, inspiration days, annual meetings etc. Mary has taken
part in many interesting combinations. You choose what suits you.
All Mary’s lectures are available digitally, either pre-recorded or as live, streamed lectures.
Please get in touch with details about what you would like.
You can get the tools for and knowledge about
- social behaviour.
- empathy.
- collective intelligence.
- unconscious bias.
- values.
- organisational development.
- self-leadership.
- human sustainability.
- the business value of diversity and inclusion.
- equal treatment.
- social exclusion.
- work environment and well-being.