Mary Juusela
Mary Juusela was born in Bangalore, India and was adopted by Finnish parents in Sweden at 20 months old. Growing up, she was exposed to exclusion because of her origins. Her own experiences gave rise to a curiosity about the effects of exclusion. To find out, she conducted the world-unique study Stolen Identity.
Mary has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Södertörn University and a Master of Science in General Management from the Stockholm School of Economics. She has also worked in international aid for 11 years.
Today, Mary is an esteemed lecturer and educator in values, tolerance and human sustainability. She lectures on human behaviour and on how individuals and groups go further by being inclusive and empathetic. When Mary inspires the youngest generation, it is through the social education company Lika Olika.
Read more about Mary

The speaker
Gripping Lectures
The speaker and tolerance expert Mary Juusela takes her audience with her on gripping and inspiring journeys in values, attitudes, prejudices, jargon, tolerance and civil courage. Prepare to look at yourself, you colleagues and fellow human beings through new eyes.
Insightful stories
As a writer, Mary Juusela takes you under the skin of some of the biggest and most intimate existential issues of identity, belonging, family life and mood. With her books, she delivers insightful stories that contribute to a greater understanding of herself for an even better life.

The study
700 families over a 10-year period
During a 10-year period, Mary stayed with 700 random Swedish families to build up a picture of the fundemental psycological factors that mean we either include or exclude others. The results show how crucial good social skills and attitudes are for our level of potential, productivity and health. The study is the basis for the Lika Olika method.
The school educator
Inspiring the next generation
Civil courage, respect, careful language, empathy and self-leadership are deficient social skills in many homes. The same goes for many schools. Every day, educators and school leaders struggle to create a good learning environment with room for everyone. To develop
the school’s values and inspire the next generation and educators, in empathy, school educator Mary Juusela trains schools in the Lika Olika method.

Said about Mary
It's one of the best lectures I've ever been to. The way Mary inspires, clarifies, and motivates is unique. Everyone understands and no one is left untouched by the lecture. I have brought Mary in to lecture to new departments within Länsförsäkringar and everyone says the same thing: fantastic, fun, gripping, and loaded.Ursula Jarl, HR manager at Länsförsäkringar AB in Stockholm
Wow! I have no idea how you did it but you went through the screen today in Visma’s online community and captured my heart, made me laugh and cry and really think about and pick my raisins. That some can do it live is one thing but being able to capture their audience and convey emotions that you do via a screen is nothing short of damn talented. So I want to send a THANK YOU for gilding my day today!Malin Lundgren, participant in Visma's Inspiration Days 2020
Thank you so much for coming to speak for us. You are amazing in every way! Keep working on spreading your message, it's so incredibly important. I will always carry with me you and your words.Belma Puskar, investigator, health and indoor environment
Nominations and prices
Star entrepreneur of the year
2nd place in Sweden 2018.
Star entrepreneur of the year
Winner in Norra Stor-Stockholm 2018.
Inspirer of the year
Winner of Damernas stora pris, Upplands-Bro 2016.
Supertalant of the year
Winner, one of 100 super talents, of Veckans business awards 2013.
Årets uppstickare
Winner, one of 100 super entrepreneurs, from network Shortcut 2013.
Paul Harris Fellow
Winner of the Rotary Internationals prize 2016.
Nelson Mandela-price
Nominated 2015.
Nominated 2015.
Some more things Mary is proud of
For Mary, it is important to be seen in contexts that mean something to her personally. To help what she believes in, for real. The following collaborations/honorary assignments are these and, of course, are voluntary.

Goodwill Ambassador for the jewellery Believe in her! by the Swedish jewellery company
Edblad. The jewellery sales support Plan International Sweden’s work so that all girls have
the right to live a life that is safe, good and full of opportunities.
Swedish Tourist Association
Board member of the long-standing, popular Swedish Tourist Association (STF) that promotes tourism in Sweden. It is an extra privilege to experience as she spends 150 days per year touring around the country in her work educating adults and children.
Contact Mary
070 363 98 31