One dream, one team! Or?
Did you know that empathy and compassion are directly linked to company profitability? Or that the business potential of an innovation culture springs from compassion and healthy self-leadership?
All employees are investments. As an employee, you must deliver your utmost, every day. But humans are not robots. There must be circumstances when an individual is able to prioritize his or her best interests. This requires empathy, tolerance, and an inclusive approach.
Together with Mary, you travel inwards, deep into what makes us human, to be encouraged and trained on how to strengthen your and others self-leadership and self-esteem, raise both the individual and the organization and bring empathy and potential to life in an inclusive approach.
Gripping and energising lectures on social skills for companies
Mary has a unique ability to reach her audience. She takes them on gripping and inspiring journeys in values, attitudes, prejudices, jargon, tolerance, and civil courage. Prepare to look at yourself, your colleagues, and fellow human beings through new eyes.
Lectures you can choose from:
What benefits do you and your colleagues get from Mary’s lectures?
Participants gain an understanding of how everyone, with small simple actions, can increase civil courage and good language and reduce prejudice and negative attitudes – all of which increase well-being, community, and creative joy for any company.
Can we book tailor-made lectures and workshops?
Yes, Mary holds both individual lectures and workshops as well as a combination of both. Contact us and we will put together something that is right for you.
What problems can Mary’s lectures help your company with?
How you can reduce conflict in the workplace, build healthy relationships, identify unhealthy power structures, focus on the goal, and accelerate human capital internally. How you can build and strengthen the behaviours that elevate both the individual and the organisation.
How long are the lectures?
Each lecture is between 45-120 minutes depending on whether they are digital, live, online live, and on your requirements.
What can Mary add to your event?
How do you get management, managers, and employees to be passionate about a brand so much that they are willing to go that ‘extra mile’? Mary inspires you all in a fast-paced and gripping lecture with a lot of recognition, laughter, and maybe a few tears.
Does Mary also do full- or half-day training or longer jobs?
Yes, Mary has extensive experience of piloting workgroups over a longer period of time and with recurring occasions. Contact us and we will put together something that is right for you.
How can you book Mary?
You can book Mary by emailing mary@likaolikametoden.se, calling 070 363 98 31, or use the booking form under Contact.
Does Mary do digital lectures?
Yes, all Mary’s lectures are available as digital lectures, either pre-recorded or as live streamed sessions.
More questions?
Said about Mary
Thank you so much for a striking and gripping lecture to our employees. I have received many positive comments about your courage to dare to show the way in social behaviours. Colleagues have said "this is what I should take home and think about", "this is what we need to talk more about" and "think that I can actually make such a difference". You have made us feel more willing and encouraged to take care of each other and overlook differences as something negative.Lotta Samuelsson, HR manager at Lunds Kommunala Fastighetsbolag AB
Your story and your commitment touched deeply. Your message was crystal clear and needed in so many different contexts. Not least at work. This is a message that fit perfectly into the conversation we had in the morning. Also, the reminder that everything is a fresh and can change quickly.Anna Lönn Lundbäck, Regional Manager West and chairman of Erikshjälpen
Contact Mary
070 363 98 31